We had our annual ABC Ride on 18 September – with a promise of some sunshine at least on part of the route. We all gathered, from far and wide, at Albemarle Barracks for coffee and a bacon buttie, ready for the off at 11.00 am.
John Nichol was Ride Leader for the day and we had a mix of A-roads, B-roads and some slightly dodgy looking unnamed roads! The good folk of Alnwick cordoned off a small space for us again, and we all parked up ready for some more sustenance.
Up and away again, we headed off on vary familiar roads towards RAF Boulmer. We didn’t make it to the usual spot this year but landed right next the flagpole ready for flag-raising and a rendition of the Last Post.
The weather remained gloomy pretty much all day and we had a brief spell of rain along the way, as we headed back to Tynemouth RNLI Lifeboat Station.
This ride always take a huge amount of organisation: Jimmy described it once as three rides in one. There are also the various arrangements in getting us into and out of the various compounds. So, hats off to John for getting us safely round!
As ever, all money collected goes to Help for Heroes.
GeordieHOG Editor