
Allen Glasper, Director

I’ve ridden motorcycles since a very young age, and always dreamed of owning a Harley-Davidson. It might have had something to do with the poster I had with a great-looking blonde sitting on an H-D … it seemed to set a relaxed theme for life.

As it was, I rode sports bikes for many years before getting my first Harley-Davidson in 2001. I then changed to a brand-new 2003 Anniversary Fat Boy, and joined Geordie Chapter. It’s a fantastic group of people, and everyone does their bit to keep everything moving. Our Road Crew undertake an immense amount of planning and cover many, many miles to make sure that things are just right for our monthly chapter ride-outs.

I travel abroad a lot, often to Harley-Davidson events. If the mood takes me, I think nothing of covering a thousand miles a day to get there. But once there, you just can’t beat taking it easy on your bike in the sunshine! Geordie Chapter has been through tremendous change while I’ve been a member but we have an excellent team and an increasing membership. It’s always very rewarding to see so many smiling faces when we’re on our ride-outs!

Read my Director’s welcome message here.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Steve Dobson, Assistant Director

My name is Steve Dobson, for those that still don’t know me I’m your Assistant Director and Chapter photographer.  I live in Spennymoor, just south of Durham city for those that don’t come south very often.  I was first a member of the chapter back in 2003 till 2008.  My first bike was my Harley 2003 100th anniversary 883 Sportster Custom, was a lovely machine but like so many people I wanted a bigger bike within the first year.  Then came my Road King Custom, another great bike and them pipes (V&H Big Shot Longs) could wake the dead.  Couple of years later Harley released the Night Train with the 200 back end, as soon as I saw it I had to have it.

Unfortunately in 2008 I then had to take a break from riding which lasted a lot longer than I hoped it would.  I rejoined the chapter in 2019 jumping on a new Fatbob, was a very fun bike but again within a short period of time I couldn’t resist upgrading to my dream bike the awesome Road Glide.  After riding my dream bike for just over 3 years I had a mo

ment of madness and test road the Pan America, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had on a bike so guess what happened, just wish my legs were a couple of inches longer.

As well as being your photographer I’m also a member of the road crew, having now reached the level of Road Captain.  I had no idea how demanding the role would be, with t

he amount of time that goes into planning, reccie rides, meetings, training and marshalling/leading rides.  It’s been a fantastic experience, not easy at times but very rewarding other times.  I feel like I have also become a much better rider for it, learning from the training and experience passed down from senior road captains.  If anyone wants to ride more and has the time to dedicate to the chapter I would highly recommend joining the road crew.

I’ve met some great friends in the chapter, and we’ve had some funny times, normally involving alcohol.

I can’t wait for the 2025 riding season to start and get back out there with you all, I’ll still be lurking around with the camera so always have a smile ready for me, or a stupid face if you’re a Waldo or your fingers in the air if you’re a Phil (They know what I mean).


If you would like to get in touch, click here.


John Thompson, Treasurer

My 2 wheel adventures started soon after I left school with a Vespa Sprint Scooter – with 150cc’s of sheer power and a cool blue and grey paint job.  It lasted all of 3 months until I was knocked off it by a bus whilst negotiating a roundabout so I sold it for £3:50.  It was a real bargain even though a hole in the exhaust box was blowing like Moby Dick!!!!
Much fun followed with riding across Germany and Salisbury Plain on such iconic machines as the Can-Am Bombardier, the Armstrong MT500 and of course the MZ 125 / 250.  Crazy lazy days…
I joined the Chapter in 2017 after watching all of the bikes depart on a ride from the rally start at Percy Park.  I have now settled on the wonders of the H-D Ultra Limited touring monster – a beautiful machine which my wife Jeanette and I just love to get about on.  UK, France, Germany and next year Croatia to the HOG European Rally – great memories to look back on and to look forward to.
Its a ton of fun being part of the Chapter where the people and activities make it so  special.  It’s also a complete honour to act as the Chapter Treasurer and I greatly value the trust everyone has placed in me.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Anna Smith, Secretary/Editor

I’ve been a member of Geordie Chapter for a few years now and really enjoy being out and about on our Chapter ride-outs.

I make sure everything is aligned with the requirements of H.O.G. and our sponsoring dealer, Gateshead Harley-Davidson. I write articles and news features keeping everyone up-to-date with Chapter adventures.

I ride a Softail Slim FLSL which is great fun!

If you would like to get in touch, click here.




Grant Selkirk, Activities Officer

I am pretty new to the world of riding motor bikes, after a few life defining moments and wanting a midlife crisis I decided to do my test in 2021, as soon as I passed my test I went out and bought my current bike, a 2018 Fatboy, and joined the chapter soon after, since that day I have never looked back.
I joined the committee at the beginning of 2023 as assistant activities officer with a view to learn the ropes from Simon and transition into the role full time.
As activity’s officers I will be organising events and activity’s for members new and old. As a keen member, my goal is to get as many members out there riding, attending events and social gatherings to make the most of their memberships.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or ideas you would like to discuss.

Get involved, you will not regret it.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Dawn Beattie, Rally Coordinator

I have been a biker since 1993, when my Yamaha 125 was bought out of necessity rather than for enjoyment. I joined the Harley-Davidson world in 2008 when we bought our first Road King and haven’t looked back since.

I have been lucky enough to have a second Road King and two Dynas, all of which I enjoyed. However, my current bike is a CVO Softail which I absolutely love. You just know when a bike is right for you!

I organise our fantastic Heart ‘n’ Soul rally, which is a job I really enjoy. It can be challenging at times but when everything comes together, it makes me immensely proud.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.

Louise Lomas, Ladies of Harley Officer



If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Mark Jennings, Head Road Captain


If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Simon Field, Assistant Head Road Captain


If you would like to get in touch, click here.

Steve Dobson, Photographer




If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Mandy Jobson, Membership Officer

I have been in Geordie Chapter since 2003 and I’ve made many lovely friends within the Chapter. I ride pillion on my husband’s bike, and we’ve had many great biking holidays in Europe and the USA. Geordie Chapter has seen many changes over the years and is currently a very rewarding, strong, happy chapter and I am proud to be part of it.

My role as Membership Officer is to promote and support membership of the Chapter and H.O.G. and to assist the Chapter Secretary in membership duties.

Our membership is steadily increasing and we have members from as far away as Australia. As part of the H.O.G. family, our members enjoy our organised ride-outs and Chapter events including our very own Heart & Soul rally. Even through the winter months, we still have Chapter social events. Chapter membership gives everyone a year full of biking, social activities, events and the chance to meet new friends. I look forward to seeing you all when we’re out and about!

If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Lyn Hunter, Merchandise Officer

I’m the one who gets you to buy all our lovely chapter merchandise.

After being pillion on my hubby Ron’s bike ( he’s the one who wears all the pink for the LOH Pink ride). He had a Heritage Softail for 19yrs which I loved, he then got a Street Glide for 2yrs then another new Street Glide.

So after 48 yrs of being pillion on various bikes I decided to get my 1st trike. Which was a free wheeler, then I got my current Tri Glide which I love.

I love having our grandchildren and great-grandchildren round at our house, it’s a very rewarding time.

I was lucky to be asked to be Chapter Merchandise Officer five years ago. It’s a position that I really enjoy. I always look forward to meeting new members and having a good catch up with our extended family at Chapter events.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.


Tony McGill, Coalition Officer

I am the Geordie Chapter representative in the North East Coalition of Motorcycle Clubs.

Along with other bike clubs and members of the North East Coalition which is organised and run by the Hells Angels, we meet up at Angels Place in the east end of Sunderland at the end of every month.

We discuss each other’s upcoming activities, including social, ride outs, charity events and other business. I relay the main points of discussion back to our members at our monthly meetings.
When I ride a Heritage Soft tail, I am Big Tony, although the bike is too big for me. When I ride a Street Glide, I am just Tony, and this bike is also too big for me!

I really enjoy being a member of the Geordie Chapter and pleased to assist in being our Coalition Officer, a role I also enjoy as I get to meet fellow bikers and have a crack.

If you would like to get in touch, click here.

Paul Pouton, Charities Officer

After making my boyhood dream of owning a Harley 4 years ago, I joined the chapter and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The comradeship is unbelievable, the ride outs and social events, it has it all .I am honoured to have been asked to become charity officer in 2022 which I will do with the utmost enthusiasm and so proud to be a member of the best chapter.



If you would like to get in touch, click here.

David Smith, Webmaster

I am the Geordie Chapter Webmaster. My task is to keep the website up to date with any changes, news articles and events calendar etc.

I’ve been a member since 2018 starting out on an Iron 883, I then moved onto a Sport Glide before moving on to a Street Glide Special. Now I’m on a Road Glide Special. I’m also a member of the Road Crew which is great fun.





If you would like to get in touch, click here

If you’ve ever wondered what each person does within the Chapter, here’s a guide, taken from the H.O.G. Chapter Charter:

The required Chapter officers are:

  • Director: shall uphold H.O.G. Chapter Charter, conduct Chapter meetings and coordinate Chapter officer responsibilities
  • Assistant Director: shall be responsible for promoting membership, membership orientation, membership retention and keeping the Chapter members informed of H.O.G. programmes and initiatives
  • Treasurer: shall be responsible for collecting and disbursing Chapter funds, reporting financial transactions to sponsoring Dealer on a monthly basis, compliance with all revenue recording and reporting requirements
  • Secretary: shall be responsible for administering and maintaining meeting minutes, annual reports, membership reports on, insurance and legal documentation, event releases and enrolment releases

The discretionary Chapter officers are:

  • Activities Officer: assisting in planning and administering Chapter events
  • Ladies of Harley Officer: encouraging women members to take an active part in Chapter activities
  • Head Road Captain: assisting in the planning of routes for Chapter rides
  • Editor: assembling and organising all forms of Chapter communications. Ensures all forms of Chapter communications are approved by the sponsoring Dealer before publication or distribution
  • Safety Officer: providing Chapter members with information relating to the availability of rider training
  • Photographer: obtaining and organising Chapter images for use in Chapter communications and Chapter history
  • Historian: preparing and maintaining an account of the history of the Chapter
  • Membership Officer: assisting the Chapter secretary in the Chapter membership duties
  • Webmaster: assembling and organising material for the Chapter website, social media sites (if applicable) and obtaining approval from the sponsoring Dealer H.O.G. Manager before publication